Project Description

“During the 20th century, tourism has seen a rapid increase in different forms of sustainable and alternative tourism. Slow tourism is an emerging branch of sustainable tourism literature. Gaining attention among scholars, slow tourism is principally influenced by three dimensions: (1) mode of transport, (2) destination- and travel experience and (3) environmental consciousness. The author conducted a quantitative study to explore the tourists decision-making process. The aim of the study was to find out whether salient referrals, referring to the perceived social pressure by an individuals referrals salient at one time, had a significant impact on slow tourism preferences. Based on a survey collected in Amsterdam, the pilot study found that salient referrals had limited explanatory power in the behavioural decision-making process of tourists to go for slow tourism. Nonetheless, behavioural beliefs, attitude and perceived behavioural control had a more influential role in guiding the decisions of non-slow tourists. The pilot study contributed to the scarcity of papers concerning slow tourism by providing a contextualized view of the drivers for the behavioural intention of tourists.”

Author: A. van der Vlugt (2019)