
Slow Travel and its benefit on the Travel Experience

This thesis analyses how different modes of transport constitute the travel experience of slow travel and how it can be enriched. The key concepts of slow travel concern the mode of transport, the travel pace and the travel experience. The analysis revealed the importance of valuing the travel journey in its own regards, as it offers multiple intrinsic values, that remain hidden otherwise.


Smelling into the past

The aim of this quantitative research is examining the functionality of a perfume intervention in the mitigation of the tourism fade-out effect, ameliorating levels of mental well-being. Perfume intervention does not contribute to the mitigation of the fade-out effect and, consequently, to higher levels of well-being. However, although not significant, mediating properties of the fade-out effect on mental well-being could be observed.


Managing tourism on Texel – A residents’ perspective

This thesis is about residents’ perspective on managing tourism on Texel. Texel has become a popular tourism destination with increasing visitor numbers, and with that increasing pressure on the destination, having positive and negative effects. Results show support for 21 different given possible solutions to deal with visitors’ pressure.


Film Tourism and the Chamber of Secrets

This thesis researched the socio-cultural and environmental impacts on a film tourist destination by selecting the case of Alnwick Castle, mostly known for the first two Harry Potter films. Based on the findings, three main themes were found in the sociocultural impacts, namely economic opportunities, seasonality, and culture and heritage.


A case study on tourism operators’ practices regarding Sámi tourism in Finland

The productisation of Sámi culture in the tourism industry has partially led to a harmful and inauthentic representation of the Sámi people and their way of life. This research investigates the impact of the Principles for responsible and ethically sustainable Sámi Tourism published by the Sámi parliament in 2018 on tourism operators' practices in Finland.


The development and implications of Mexico’s new tourism train route on Mayan cultural heritage

Taking the aspects of human rights, cultural heritage and the tourism industry into consideration, the research aims at finding out whether the new Mayan train in Mexico will be beneficial for the Maya’s in practice and what procedure has led up to the making of this project.


Reducing uncertainty for long-distance train travellers

This present study aims to determine how uncertainty for long-distance train travellers can be reduced. Specifically, it investigates how a preliminary design of travel assistance can reduce stress points associated with long-distance train travel, and whether this makes the train a more attractive mode of transportation.


Why visit the Antarctic?

In the last two decades, tourism to the Antarctic region has grown considerably and visitation numbers are still increasing, and with that causing several environmental challenges. This thesis seeks to identify to what extent potential tourists are made aware of environmental challenges the Antarctic is facing while reading promotional materials and other information sources prior to booking a trip to the Antarctic.


“It is like a workout for your mental health”

The purpose of this thesis was to explore what roles transformation and mindfulness play in local experiences with wildlife. Results show that mindfulness in wildlife experiences in local nature areas has a similar role to the role it plays in foreign wildlife tourism: local wildlife settings have the potential to spark mindfulness.


Child Sex Tourism in South East Asia

There is a dark side to tourism, the amount of sexual exploitation of children in the tourism industry has grown consequently in the past few decades. This thesis looks whether the tourism industry is fulfilling its human rights due diligence responsibility with regards to child sex tourism: a form of tourism where tourists travel with the specific intention to sexually exploit children.